
An announcement from LANDAUER has stated that the microSTARii® Medical Dosimetry System and nanoDot products are no longer available for purchase. The myOSLchip is a new generation replacement product for the microSTARii®. Contact us to learn more!



Manual OSL reader for encapsulated detectors

myOSLchip is a handheld OSL reader which can be used to read and erase its compatible dosimeters (myOSLchip dosimeter). The myOSLchip is operated via PC. But it is also equipped with a touch display, which allows autonomous operation without a PC connection for basic applications. Measurement data can be exported to a PC. Internal Data Matrix scanner identifies the individual number of the myOSLchip dosimeters. 

The dosimeters can be used for dosimetry applications, QC of radiation therapy devices, dose measurement in electronic industries, research, and other applications in dose measurement.



Technical specifications myOSLchip reader
OSL stimulation Blue light – 480 nm
Erasing unit bleaching LED for low doses
User interface Mini USB or Ethernet
Dimension ca. 23.5 cm x 14.6 cm x 9 cm
Weight ca. 5 kg

100-240 VDC 50/60 Hz (external power supply)

Technical specifications myOSLchip dosimeter
OSL material BeO
Dose range 0.05 mGy – 10 Gy
Dose linearity up to 10 Gy
Energy response 16 keV to several MeV
Identification individual Data Matrix Code and readable number
Dimension ca. 0.95 cm x 1.00 cm x 0.20 cm

ca. 0.2 gram

Dosimetric performance myOSLchip system
Accuracy ±5%
Precision 5%
Repeatability 1%
LLD (low limit of detection) 50 µGy


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